Monday 9 April 2018

Dynamics Nav services: w/e 6/4/18

Another quiet week on first line support (must be Easter!). Subjects covered included how to create a VAT only invoice [Nav 2013r2], how to apply entries between currency codes (or correct error where entries in different currency codes on the same customer account) [Nav 2013] and resolve new permissions issue [Nav 2013].
Last week's work focused on the job time sheet implementation for a client [Nav 2013r2]. Basically configuration testing followed by development testing for all developments completed on UK and US database. Nearly complete so will do end to end process test this week, create step by step process based instructions and then send onto the client requesting UAT.
The only other development completed last week was the removal of the document approval repeat process for prepayment % change on PO [Nav 2017].
Requests for quotes last week included PO change of status off Prepayment Pending when prepaid invoice paid (client confirming rule, then we will quote) [Nav 2017] and use of POP and requisitions specific to client needs (requires us to mark requirements as configuration, developments or cannot do and then quote for work) [Nav 2013].
Not a squeak from client who was going live on Nav 2018 1st April but then they did not get the data together to allow us to do it. Need to contact client re new go live data and when data available to us so we can get on with.
That's it folks.

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